Category Archives: Writing

Moving on

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Here’s what’s up.

Been through a couple jobs, with various levels of strain and difficulty. I got fairly ill in February.

And that told us that it was time. We don’t have much of a support network here. We need better. And so we’re going home. We’ve discusses it from time to time, but now we are doing it. Leaving Seattle and going back East. It’s just time.

We’re going by train – which some of you may recall I did before, just the other way – so expect photos and commentary on the trip.

See you soon.

We’re going home.


So the people I live with have been having a tough kind of few days. I decided to make dinner, and looked around the house for what we had. Thankfully, we had stuff from a Costco run recently, so I just asked for someone to please get me some mozzarella cheese, and boom it appeared.

So I thawed three of the very large chicken breasts we got from Costco (the house brand), then got out one of the larger pans. Put some sauce in the bottom, put the chicken in. Put some sauce on top, then sliced up some of the mozzarella cheese (not a lot, and not very thick), and put it on top. Then some more sauce on top of the mozzarella, and sprinkled it with basil and oregano, and baked for about 25 minutes. The cheese got soft, the chicken got done (you’d probably want to cook longer if you used the chicken frozen, but I think that might mess things up a bit), and it went over well. Served it over noodles, a little bread on the side.

There were leftovers (my housemates couldn’t finish the chicken breasts, which are very very large, to be honest), so they have food for tomorrow.

This is how I spent my evening, cooking. It’s terribly calming, in a way, when you have to consider what you’re doing and how to do it, and focus on it.

First paragraph for a low-grade supervillain's story.

I’m going to just sometimes drop ideas in here, just for the whole idea of doing something a little creative. This is an idea for the guy in a super-hero comic who has no luck at all.

“All my life I’ve been a loser. Everything has been just the wrong way. And then, when I actually get superpowers… I gain the ability to transform my body into metal… do I get a cool metal, a great metal? I don’t get iron. I don’t get titanium. I don’t even get freaking magnesium. No. I get manganese. I get the only metal that’s really only useful with other things. I get the hench-metal.”

Today's activity, and the lack of same.

Today was spent cleaning, organizing, taking care of some things I had been putting off, and preparing some clothes to go to the cleaners. I attended a funeral last weekend and my suit smells like incense, which strikes me as a less than optimal situation if I go for an interview.

Tomorrow I plan to take a bus ride and take pictures of Seattle, so people can see what my new home is like.