I think I understand now what I messed up for comments. If anyone has tried to comment here on the WordPress site, and been unable to, I apologize.
Category Archives: What I’m Up To
Rather chilly…
It snowed here yesterday.
Now, while this may not be surprising for many of you, where I’m from in the New York/New Jersey/Connecticut area, we haven’t had real snow before Christmas in… wow. Somewhere in the 1980s. So having snow here was interesting and kind of special.
Thanksgiving preparation continues.
It occurs to me…
…that this year is the first Thanksgiving that I will spend away from my family since the mid-90s.
I wouldn’t be there regardless – if I had not been laid off from Citigroup, I would have been working that day. (The department I was in had to have people there every day, including weekends and holidays. We rotated through Saturdays, and then had weekends. The first year I was there, I had Labor Day stuck to me, which was a pain because I had originally planned to go to a gathering in Atlanta, Ga, that happens over Labor Day weekend; this would have been the second full year there, and I would have been stuck with Thanksgiving.)
I plan to call on Thursday, maybe see if I can get them on Facetime or iChat and talk to people, including my niece and nephews, just to say hello.
But yeah, it’s kind of interesting this year.
That went well, I think.
The gentleman I spoke to at the agency was very positive, even if I think I did sort of surprise him by showing up in full suit and tie. (I have a grey suit and a new black pinstripe which I am fairly snazzy in, I think.)
I got some odd looks in it – Seattle has a very different corporate culture style than New York – but you know, you can always dress down later, but never dress up for a new first impression.
So we will see as we will see. Nine years at the same place must be worth something.
Good Morning.
I’m Geoff Depew, and this is (as it says on the URL) geoffdepew.com.
I’m a relatively recent transplantee to Seattle, an IT professional, an amateur at photography, videography, writing and philosophy, and like so many other people, I thought the time had come to do a proper site for myself.
I’m going to try to post daily on something, or perhaps post some photos, or just talk about some idea that came to me. Updates can be found here and at my Twitter account if you prefer to follow that.
Enjoy the ride!