Category Archives: What I’m Up To

Well, that was ridiculous.

A few months ago I put some JavaScript in so I could track when my resume was clicked. I botched it badly and did not even notice it.

But now I did! And I fixed it.

Also: trying to get back on the ol’ horse again, get things going. May do some rearranging, so if you see some old 1990s web-style under-construction signs… that means I’ve lost my mind.

And as well…

I grabbed my ticket last night to WordCamp Seattle yesterday. It’s going to be fun and interesting, and I’m looking forwards to it.

If you’re in Seattle and into WordPress, you should grab it soon – there’s only 300 total, and I think I’m still in the top ten.

You can check it out at – see the schedule, the speakers, and the plans.

Mark 2?

I’m starting to put together a version 2 – or maybe just a 1.1 – version of the Twitter Tools setup walkthrough. My goal to add in this one is a simple set of locations to paste things into, so you can grab your OAuth information, paste it in, then when you go back to the Twitter Tools setup, you can paste it over quickly.

It’s more of an ease-of-use for the setup than any changes, because I think it’s a solid piece of work.

When that happens, I’ll probably change the previous post to point to the new one, so that it’s obvious that it’s been updated.

Whoops! Sorry!

I haven’t been around for a bit, I know. I had things to take care of. Taxes, bills, and the Emerald City Comic Con. (Which was great. I met some really excellent people there, and got some things that I really enjoyed.)

Starting to get some ideas together, work on some plans, see about finding more things to talk about. I’ve been kind of quiet lately, but with spring coming, I’m hoping that I start to take off and do things.

What I've been up to.

It’s January 17 and I haven’t posted since before Christmas. It was a busy time – I am in Seattle now, but my family is on the East Coast, so I went back there for a couple of weeks, seeing family and friends, catching up on things, and doing the whole visiting-family thing you do when you live on the opposite coast.

In other news, my development machine – my older MacBook Pro – is currently running on its MAMP install the WordPress 3.1 beta, which I am poking at to find holes. I’m also working on some stuff with theme design, learning that, which involves learning PHP.

I’m also working on a new header graphic for the page, but my art skills, well, don’t really exist, so this is becoming interestingly difficult.

In short: visit back East, now working on more skill enhancements, some of them coming from farther behind that others.

Hope things are good for you! Have a good day.

I’m going to try to write here more often, so that I can keep myself going with my writing.

Hope all is well.

Hello again.

I’m sorry for no updates lately, but I’m traveling for the holidays and that’s put a dent in my thinking time.

Once the new year starts, my hope is to do some more setup tutorials on things
Wordpress, so that the mistakes I make can help other people not make them.

See you in 2011!