Category Archives: What I’m Up To


I decided to mess about with the theme on the site. I think I like this one a bit better.

I also mailed a survey to my gaming group to see what they want me to run, and got a very nice offer of someone’s spare Starfinder book in case I wanted to run that. I guess I’ll be reading up on that.

Couple more things

  1. I think I have the post to Facebook thing worked out now. No, no I don’t, gonna have to contact support.
  2. My wife is amazing.
  3. Shaving first with, then against, the grain of your beard really DOES make it better. I now understand, but I’m not doing it to the mustache area, as I still fear I’m going to remove my nose accidentally.


My Heart.

There has been a huge change in my life in the past eight months, and I haven’t really talked about it at all. Part of it – a lot of it is the impostor syndrome. There’s a part of me that believes I don’t really deserve this change, and sometimes I feel really weird talking about it.

But if I’m going to fight this thing, then you know what? I have to talk about it. Because what happened to me is the best thing that has happened to me, ever, bar none.

What happened to me… is Emma.

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