Category Archives: Around Town

About places I’m going today.

Good day.

How’s things? Good, good.

I’m still job-hunting, but I’ve had a couple of interviews.

I’m excited about the big Apple press event on Wednesday – it’ll almost certainly be the iPad 2, but what will it do? What changes will it have? Cameras, better screen, more memory, will the default for it be 3G (or the Verizon equivalent) and a lesser reliance on wifi? (That matches with some of the speculation of the upcoming MobileMe transition to a ‘cloud’ environment.

Will they announce iOS 5, or iOS 4.3, or both? (“iOS 4.3 released today, iOS5 coming later this year.”)

I’ve considered trying to seek some Apple training, but it’s hard to come by if you’re not an Apple employee. I don’t mean the software side,I mean the hardware side, going in and messing with the guts of a device. (This could be very helpful if I got a not-quite-working MacBook Air or something like that off eBay, then fixed it.)

Still, must keep job searching. hope everyone is well out there, and we’ll talk soon, I’m sure.

Oh, and by the way – it still fries my noggin to consider the phrase ‘Oscar-winning composer Trent Reznor’. I’m not entirely sure why.

Adding to my wide wide world of skills.

Saturday night one of my roommates had a craving for beef udon.

We had none. The other of the roommates is sick – my room is in the basement and I have been woken up by her coughing.

So I went to the store, because Safeway’s online ordering service indicated they had beef udon. It did not. (I have since learned it may in fact be refrigerated, not either dry like Top Ramen, or frozen, and I may have needed to look elsewhere.)

I thought for a bit. Well, I said to myself. There’s udon noodles. And… hm. there’s beef broth…

You can see where this is going, I’m sure.

I got some very thinly sliced top round steak, and went home.

Beef broth in pot, heated up. Steak cut into small bits and tossed into broth to cook in there. Then the noodles tossed in.

About ten minutes later, there was a respectable beef udon-a-like, and my roommate was happy.

Next time I think I’ll see if I can do other things to make it a bit closer to the idea. But it was a moment of inspiration and I think it worked out well.

So: I now can apparently made beef udon. Go me.

Another example of my problem-solving skills, I think.

Today's activity.

Attending the Seattle WordPress meet up. It tends to be a bit more programming-centric than I find helpful, last and this month both about writing plugins. I’m not the programmer I need to be to write a plugin, but I might gear up some if I need it more for some things.

Also reading a book on Google Analytics to get to know now to use that and kick it into use. I also signed up for Amazon Affiliates, so the books I read will get mentioned and reviewed here, and linked to.

addendum: interestingly, they mentioned some of the issues with the designer/developer new/experiences training situation, and ideas came together about making things happen. There may be some ideas happening.

Slow but sure development is the way to go, I am thinking.


(Looking at the time, I should say “Later today:”, I think.)

I have an appointment with a placement agency that will, hopefully, find me a decent job in the area. I will be going in full interview regalia, black suit and red tie, and bringing my finest skills with me.

Wish me luck.