(Looking at the time, I should say “Later today:”, I think.)
I have an appointment with a placement agency that will, hopefully, find me a decent job in the area. I will be going in full interview regalia, black suit and red tie, and bringing my finest skills with me.
Today was spent cleaning, organizing, taking care of some things I had been putting off, and preparing some clothes to go to the cleaners. I attended a funeral last weekend and my suit smells like incense, which strikes me as a less than optimal situation if I go for an interview.
Tomorrow I plan to take a bus ride and take pictures of Seattle, so people can see what my new home is like.
I’m Geoff Depew, and this is (as it says on the URL) geoffdepew.com.
I’m a relatively recent transplantee to Seattle, an IT professional, an amateur at photography, videography, writing and philosophy, and like so many other people, I thought the time had come to do a proper site for myself.
I’m going to try to post daily on something, or perhaps post some photos, or just talk about some idea that came to me. Updates can be found here and at my Twitter account if you prefer to follow that.
Enjoy the ride!
Do not quote the deep magic to me. I was there when it was written.