All posts by Jen D

It occurs to me…

…that this year is the first Thanksgiving that I will spend away from my family since the mid-90s.

I wouldn’t be there regardless – if I had not been laid off from Citigroup, I would have been working that day. (The department I was in had to have people there every day, including weekends and holidays. We rotated through Saturdays, and then had weekends. The first year I was there, I had Labor Day stuck to me, which was a pain because I had originally planned to go to a gathering in Atlanta, Ga, that happens over Labor Day weekend; this would have been the second full year there, and I would have been stuck with Thanksgiving.)

I plan to call on Thursday, maybe see if I can get them on Facetime or iChat and talk to people, including my niece and nephews, just to say hello.

But yeah, it’s kind of interesting this year.

Checking in.

Things have been quiet the past few days. All three of us in the house I live in have been various kinds of not feeling well, and the cats (two live here) have both been pretty quiescent as well.

I’m hoping to present at the next Seattle WordPress Meetup on adding social media crossposting to your WordPress site, as I’m going using Twitter Tools, Wordbooker and LiveJournal Crossposter to put things out.

Just to note, the Twitter account for here is and the Facebook is Geoffrey Depew, in case you want to add those.

As I said, it’s been quiet, but things may be moving forwards.


So it looks like the Wordbooker plugin doesn’t work right. Or if it is, somehow I can’t see it.

If you do see this, please comment on it so I can figure out if it’s working – on FAcebook, please. I know that’s silly, but if I can’t see it on Facebook, I have to assume no one else can.

Decisions, decisions…

I’m trying to decide whether or not to install the Wordbooker plugin for WordPress. It connects a WordPress blog to a Facebook account. The problem is, of course, Facebook. Do I want to have what I write here automatically post to Facebook?

I already have Twitter Tools set up to automatically post things to a Twitter feed, and things set up to post to another blog I have (don’t worry about it for now). But Facebook has this combination of terrible ubiquity and exposure that I find myself wondering about.

Honestly, if I do it, it may just be to test it so that I can set things up for the possible presentation at the Seattle WordPress group, so I can properly and correctly discuss it in an informed manner. I think it’s important I do so, in order to insure I have the correct information to give to people.

Today's activity.

Attending the Seattle WordPress meet up. It tends to be a bit more programming-centric than I find helpful, last and this month both about writing plugins. I’m not the programmer I need to be to write a plugin, but I might gear up some if I need it more for some things.

Also reading a book on Google Analytics to get to know now to use that and kick it into use. I also signed up for Amazon Affiliates, so the books I read will get mentioned and reviewed here, and linked to.

addendum: interestingly, they mentioned some of the issues with the designer/developer new/experiences training situation, and ideas came together about making things happen. There may be some ideas happening.

Slow but sure development is the way to go, I am thinking.

That went well, I think.

The gentleman I spoke to at the agency was very positive, even if I think I did sort of surprise him by showing up in full suit and tie. (I have a grey suit and a new black pinstripe which I am fairly snazzy in, I think.)

I got some odd looks in it – Seattle has a very different corporate culture style than New York – but you know, you can always dress down later, but never dress up for a new first impression.

So we will see as we will see. Nine years at the same place must be worth something.