All posts by Jen D

My Heart.

There has been a huge change in my life in the past eight months, and I haven’t really talked about it at all. Part of it – a lot of it is the impostor syndrome. There’s a part of me that believes I don’t really deserve this change, and sometimes I feel really weird talking about it.

But if I’m going to fight this thing, then you know what? I have to talk about it. Because what happened to me is the best thing that has happened to me, ever, bar none.

What happened to me… is Emma.

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Fighting the Impostor, Part 2

In my last post, I talked about one of the things I need to work on to deal with my (admittedly self-diagnosed) Impostor Syndrome. And I do want to stress that – this is not me diagnosed with anything other than depression and anxiety. But it does express itself in that way, so I’m using that term for my issues. That may change at some point.

Today’s issue to deal with: Practice accepting compliments.

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