The Ballad of the Grey Swan: Updates

Hi there! It’s been a bit.

Firstly, I have a new link page at Books 2 Go, that links to the book in all the stores it’s sold in one easy-to-click page. You can look there if you want to know where it can be found.

Second, I’m now an internationally published author! (People who aren’t in the US bought the book, so I will claim that.)

Third, the Barnes and Noble Nook version is finally available! I don’t have it available through them in Paperback, because just getting the ebook version was a pain enough.

I’m working on getting it on Apple Books, but that’s taking some time and work because they use a completely different format from anyone else. (Again). It’s kind of annoying, but there we go.

Also, I’m going to update the page with the book information soon to include links to a YouTube Playlist with music that helped me write the book and set scenes. I’ll mark them, so you can know where to click when you get to that part of the book.

To those who have bought the book, thank you. I appreciate your trust in a first-time author you probably don’t know from a box of Pop-Tarts.

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