Are you in the Seattle area?
Then you should go to WordCamp Seattle.
I also suggest you sign up at the WordPress Seattle site and with the the Seattle WordPress site.
Because the more people involved the better it gets.
Are you in the Seattle area?
Then you should go to WordCamp Seattle.
I also suggest you sign up at the WordPress Seattle site and with the the Seattle WordPress site.
Because the more people involved the better it gets.
It’s January 17 and I haven’t posted since before Christmas. It was a busy time – I am in Seattle now, but my family is on the East Coast, so I went back there for a couple of weeks, seeing family and friends, catching up on things, and doing the whole visiting-family thing you do when you live on the opposite coast.
In other news, my development machine – my older MacBook Pro – is currently running on its MAMP install the WordPress 3.1 beta, which I am poking at to find holes. I’m also working on some stuff with theme design, learning that, which involves learning PHP.
I’m also working on a new header graphic for the page, but my art skills, well, don’t really exist, so this is becoming interestingly difficult.
In short: visit back East, now working on more skill enhancements, some of them coming from farther behind that others.
Hope things are good for you! Have a good day.
I’m going to try to write here more often, so that I can keep myself going with my writing.
Hope all is well.